About PG- TRB Exam (English)

Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) conducts PG-TRB Exams to fill PG Assistant Posts Vacancies in the Government Higher secondary schools throughout Tamilnadu.

Next PG- TRB exam will be conducted in the month of July 2016. Raaj Academy, The best Academy for NET/SET Examination has in Tamil Nadu and India only UGC-NET Academy run by 8 times NET/SET Passed Trainer is introducing PG-TRB Coaching for English Literature teachers and students.

Scheme of Examination: The written examination will consist of single paper of 3 hours duration with 150 MCQ�s each question carries one marks. The marks allotted to the Main Subject, Educational Methodology and General Knowledge are as follows:

Subjects/Units Marks
Main Subject 110
Educational Methodology 30
General Knowledge 10
Total 150

Duration of the Course: 100 Hours

Coaching for PG- TRB Course will commence with the notification for the examination.